Violent Night is a 2022 American Christmas action comedy film. It's about Santa Claus (David Harbour) fighting mercenaries who have taken a wealthy family hostage in their home on Christmas Eve. The film was directed by Tommy Wirkola and written by Pat Casey and Josh Miller.
The film has a cast of more than 60 actors, including:
- David Harbour
- Beverly D'Angelo
- Alex Hassell
- John Leguizamo
Violent Night has a running time of 1 hour and 52 minutes. It has a budget of $20,000,000 and four producers: David Leitch, Guy Danella, Kelly McCormick, Annie Marter.
The film is rated R and has strong language, gore, and blood. Some say it's irreverent and engaging, while others call it one of the worst movies they've seen.
You can watch Violent Night on: Microsoft Store, Vudu, Google Play.