The first season of the American television drama series Breaking Bad premiered on January 20, 2008 and concluded on March 9, 2008. The season has seven episodes, each running approximately 48 minutes in length, except the pilot episode which runs for approximately 58 minutes.
The season's episodes are:
- S1 E1: Pilot
- S1 E2: The Cat's in the Bag
- S1 E3: And the Bag's in the River
- S1 E4: Cancer Man
- S1 E5: Gray Matter
- S1 E6: Crazy Handful of Nothin
- S1 E7: A No-Rough-Stuff Type Deal
The season centers on a high school chemistry teacher, Walter White (Cranston), who discovers he has cancer. His medical condition forces him to make some life-altering choices. Along with his partner Jesse, he starts cooking meth in the RV.
Breaking Bad is one of the most iconic TV series. It has won 64 Emmy Awards and seven Golden Globes across seasons.
You can watch Breaking Bad on Amazon Prime Video.